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local i18n = {
    errors = {
        ["parameter-missing"] = "Не указан обязательный параметр!",
        ["collapsible-block-not-closed"] = "Сворачивающийся блок не закрыт!",
        ["collapsible-block-not-open"] = "Сворачивающийся блок не был открыт, либо лишняя команда закрытия",
        ["collapsible-block-empty"] = "Невозможно создать пустой сворачивающийся блок!",
        ["collapsible-block-no-first-row"] = "Нет первой строки для сворачивающегося блока!",
        ["collapsible-block-no-replacement"] = "Нет строки замещения для сворачивающегося блока!",
        ["colspan-less-rows-than-set"] = "Строк меньше, чем указано к объединению!",
    ["error-categories"] = {
        default = '[[Категория:Википедия:Статьи с неверно заполненными маршрутными картами]]'
    html = {
        ["cell-icon-fmt"] = '\
        ["cell-overlapicon-fmt"] = '<div style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;padding:0">[[File:BSicon_%s.svg|x20px|link=%s|alt=]]</div>',
        ["cell-icon-fmt-with-overlap"] = '\
|<div style="position:relative">%s</div>[[File:BSicon_%s.svg|x20px|link=|alt=]]',
        ["cell-filler-fmt"] = '\n|style="width:8px"| ||style="width:4px !important; background-color:%s"| ||style="width:8px"|',
        ["cell-filler-empty-fmt"] = '\n|style="width:%s;min-width:%s"|',

        ["row-linfo4-fmt"] = '\
|style="padding-right:3px;text-align:left;%s"|<span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>',-- parameters:linfo4-width, linfo4
        ["row-linfo3-fmt"] = '<span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span> ',
        ["row-rinfo3-fmt"] = ' <span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>',
        ["row-rinfo4-fmt"] = '\
|style="padding-left:3px;text-align:right;%s"|<span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>',-- parameters:rinfo4-width, rinfo4

        -- в «margin:auto !important» у таблицы «!important» — для мобильного вида
        ["row-general-fmt"] = '\
|colspan="%s" style="text-align:right;%s"|%s\
|style="text-align:left;padding:0 %s;%s"|<span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>\
{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin:auto !important; text-align:center; line-height: 0px !important; padding:0 !important;"\
|style="text-align:right;padding:0 %s;%s"|<span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>\
|colspan="%s" style="text-align:left;%s"|%s%s',-- parameters: linfo4-fmt, colspan-left, linfo3+2-width, linfo3+2, linfo1-pad, linfo1-width, linfo1, bg, cells, rinfo1-pad, rinfo1-width, rinfo1, colspan-right, rinfo2+3-width, rinfo2+3, rinfo4-fmt

        ["row-collapsible-begin-fmt"] = '\
|colspan="7" style="padding:0 !important;background-color:%s"|\
{|class="%s%s" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="%s padding:0 !important;vertical-align:middle;margin:none !important;white-space:nowrap"',-- parameters: bg, "collapsible "/"mw-collapsible mw-", collapse-state, "float:right;" / ""

        ["row-collapsible-end-fmt"] = '\n|}',

        ["row-collapsible-left-button-width"] = '50px',-- 50px is the minimal width for [показать] / [скрыть] button. Use 40px for [show] / [hide]
        ["row-collapsible-left-button-fmt"] = '\n! style="padding-right:3px;min-width:%s;%s" |',--parameters: left-button-width, linfo4-width
        ["row-collapsible-left-linfo4+3+2-fmt"] = '\
{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%%"\
|style="padding:0 3px 0 1px;text-align:left;"| <span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>\
|style="text-align:right"| %s\
|}',-- parameters: linfo4, linfo3+2
        ["row-collapsible-right-button-width"] = '72px',-- 72px is the minimal width for [развернуть] / [свернуть] button at 90%. Use 58px for [expand] / [collapse]
        ["row-collapsible-right-rinfo2+3+4-fmt"] = '\
{|cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%%"\
|style="text-align:left"| %s\
|style="padding:0 1px 0 3px;text-align:right;"| <span style="font-size:90%%;">%s</span>\
|}',-- parameters: rinfo2+3, linfo4
        ["row-collapsible-right-button-fmt"] = '\n| style="padding-left:3px;font-size:90%%;min-width:%s;%s" |',--parameters: right-button-width, rinfo4-width
        ["row-collapsible-replace-begin-fmt"] = '\
|colspan="7" style="padding:0 %s"|<div style="position:relative">\
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;%s vertical-align:middle;white-space:nowrap;background-color:%s"',-- parameters: "right-button-width 0 0" / "0 0 left-button-width", "right:0px" / "", bg
        ["row-collapsible-replace-end-fmt"] = '\n|}</div>',

        ["colspan-fmt"] = '%s\n|-\n| colspan="7" style="background-color:%s;text-align:%s;%s"|\n%s',
        ["empty-row-fmt"] = '\n|-\n| style="padding-right:3px;%s" |\n| style="%s" |\n| style="padding:0 %s;%s" |\n|\n| style="padding:0 %s;%s" |\n| style="%s" |\n| style="padding-left:3px;%s" |'
local p,q={},{}

local function formaterror(key,param)
    local result = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['colspan-fmt'], '', '', '', '', '<span class="error">' .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.errors[key] or (tostring(key) .. ' %s'),
        tostring(param or '')) .. '</span>')
    if mw.site.namespaces[mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace].isContent then result = result .. (i18n['errors-categories'][key] or i18n['errors-categories'].default or '') end
    return result

local function RGBbyCode(code)-- RGB codes for BSicon sets at Commons:Category:Icons for railway descriptions/other colors
    local colors = {--       Any changes should be discussed at Commons:Talk:BSicon/Colors
        bahn     = 'BE2D2C', ex          = 'D77F7E',
        u        = '003399', uex         = '6281C0',
        f        = '008000', fex         = '64B164',
        g        = '2CA05A', gex         = '7EC49A',
        azure    = '3399FF', ex_azure    = '99CCFF',
        black    = '000000', ex_black    = '646464',
        blue     = '0078BE', ex_blue     = '64ACD6',
        brown    = '8D5B2D', ex_brown    = 'B89A7F',
        cerulean = '1A8BB9', ex_cerulean = '73B7D3',
        cyan     = '40E0D0', ex_cyan     = '8AEAE1',
        denim    = '00619F', ex_denim    = '649EC3',
        fuchsia  = 'B5198D', ex_fuchsia  = 'D173B8',
        golden   = 'D7C447', ex_golden   = 'E5DA8E',
        green    = '2DBE2C', ex_green    = '7FD67E',
        grey     = '999999', ex_grey     = 'C0C0C0',
        jade     = '53B147', ex_jade     = '95CE8E',
        lavender = '9999FF', ex_lavender = 'C0C0FF',
        lime     = '99CC00', ex_lime     = 'D1E681',
        maroon   = '800000', ex_maroon   = 'B16464',
        ochre    = 'CC6600', ex_ochre    = 'DEA164',
        orange   = 'FF6600', ex_orange   = 'FF9955',
        pink     = 'F0668D', ex_pink     = 'F4A1B8',
        purple   = '8171AC', ex_purple   = 'B1A8CB',
        red      = 'EF161E', ex_red      = 'F37176',
        ruby     = 'CC0066', ex_ruby     = 'DE64A1',
        saffron  = 'FFAB2E', ex_saffron  = 'FFC969',
        sky      = '069DD3', ex_sky      = '67C2E3',
        steel    = 'A1B3D4', ex_steel    = 'C4CFE3',
        teal     = '339999', ex_teal     = '82C0C0',
        violet   = '800080', ex_violet   = 'B164B1',
        yellow   = 'FFD702', ex_yellow   = 'FFEB81',
    return colors[code] or colors.bahn

local function cell(icon,overlapIcons)
--Icon handling. Each icon is defined as in the following example:
--icon ID!~overlap icon ID!@image link target
--No limit on overlap icons, just separate them by "!~".
    local tmp,link={},''
    if #overlapIcons>0 then
        tmp = mw.text.split(overlapIcons[#overlapIcons], '!@')
        overlapIcons[#overlapIcons] = tmp[1]
        if #tmp > 1 then link = tmp[2] end
        tmp = {}
        for i,v in ipairs(overlapIcons) do
            if i==#overlapIcons then local link=link else local link='' end
        return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-icon-fmt-with-overlap'],mw.text.trim(table.concat(tmp)),icon)
    tmp = mw.text.split(icon, '!@')
    icon = mw.text.trim(tmp[1])
    if #tmp > 1 then link = tmp[2] end
    if icon ~= '' then
    	return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-icon-fmt'], icon, link)
    	return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-filler-empty-fmt'], '20px', '20px')
local function fillercell(code)
    if code == '' then
    	return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-filler-empty-fmt'], '20px', '20px')
    elseif code == 'd' then
    	return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-filler-empty-fmt'], '10px', '10px')
    elseif string.sub(code,1,1) == '#' then
    	return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-filler-fmt'], code)
    	return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['cell-filler-fmt'],'#' .. RGBbyCode(code))
local function properties(str)
--str is a combination of properties with following syntax:
--[property name=value[!@property name1=value1[!@property name1=value1]]] and so on
    local result = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(str, '!@')) do
        if v ~= '' then
            local t = mw.text.split(v, '=')
            table.insert(result, t[1])
            result[t[1]] = table.concat(t, '=', 2) or ''--fill table with pairs "property"="value"
    return result

local function row(pattern,noformatting,filler)
--Row handling. Each row looks like the following:
--row properties~~linfo4~~linfo3~~linfo2~~linfo1! !(icon pattern)~~rinfo1~~rinfo2~~rinfo3~~rinfo4~~row properties
    local result = {['linfo4'] = '', ['linfo3+2'] = '', ['linfo1'] = '', ['cells'] = {}, ['rinfo1'] = '', ['rinfo2+3'] = '', ['rinfo4'] = '', ['rowProp'] = {}}
    local lcolspan, rcolspan, linfo4_fmt, rinfo4_fmt = '2', '2', '', ''
    local left, rigth, icons, overlapIcons, tmp = {}, {}, {}, {}, mw.text.split(pattern, '! !')
    if #tmp > 1 then--splitting the pattern by '! !'
        left = tmp[1] ; right = tmp[2]
        left = '' ; right = tmp[1] or ''

    tmp = mw.text.split(left, '~~')--analysing the left part
    if #tmp > 1 then--if there are several ~~
        result['linfo1'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mw.text.trim(tmp[#tmp]))
        result['linfo3+2'] = mw.text.trim(tmp[#tmp - 1])
        if #tmp > 2 then
            tmp[#tmp - 2] = mw.text.trim(tmp[#tmp - 2])
            if tmp[#tmp - 2] ~= '' then result['linfo3+2'] = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-linfo3-fmt'], tmp[#tmp - 2]) .. result['linfo3+2'] end
            if #tmp > 3 then
                tmp[#tmp - 3] = mw.text.trim(tmp[#tmp - 3])
                if tmp[#tmp - 3] ~= '' then
                    result['linfo4'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(tmp[#tmp - 3])
                    lcolspan = '1'
                    linfo4_fmt = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-linfo4-fmt'], '', result['linfo4'])
                if #tmp > 4 then result['rowProp'] = properties(mw.text.trim(tmp[#tmp - 4])) end
    else--assume only linfo2 was provided.
        result['linfo3+2'] = mw.text.trim(tmp[1])
    result['linfo3+2'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(result['linfo3+2'])--expand possible templates in info.
    tmp = mw.text.split(right, '~~')--analysing the right part
    if #tmp > 2 then
        result['rinfo1'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(mw.text.trim(tmp[2]))
        result['rinfo2+3'] = mw.text.trim(tmp[3])
        if #tmp > 3 then
            tmp[4] = mw.text.trim(tmp[4])
            if tmp[4] ~= '' then result['rinfo2+3'] = result['rinfo2+3'] .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-rinfo3-fmt'], tmp[4]) end
            if #tmp > 4 then
                tmp[5] = mw.text.trim(tmp[5])
                if tmp[5] ~= '' then
                    result['rinfo4'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(tmp[5])
                    rcolspan = '1'
                    rinfo4_fmt = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-rinfo4-fmt'], '', result['rinfo4'])
                if #tmp > 5 then result['rowProp'] = properties(mw.text.trim(tmp[6])) end
    else--assume only rinfo2 was provided.
        result['rinfo2+3'] = mw.text.trim(tmp[2] or '')
    result['rinfo2+3'] = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(result['rinfo2+3'])

    icons = mw.text.split(tmp[1], '\\')--splitting the string of icons first by "\"
    if type(filler) == 'string' then
    	result['cells'][1] = 'style="height:' .. filler .. '"'--row parameter before any cells
        for i, v in ipairs(icons) do table.insert(result['cells'], fillercell(v)) end--no !@ or !~ for filler row
        for i, v in ipairs(icons) do
            tmp = mw.text.split(v, '!~')
            icons[i] = tmp[1]
            table.remove(tmp, 1)
            table.insert(overlapIcons, tmp)
        for i, v in ipairs(icons) do table.insert(result['cells'], cell(v, overlapIcons[i])) end
    result['cells'] = table.concat(result['cells'])
    if result['rowProp']['bg'] == nil or result['rowProp']['bg'] == '' then result['rowProp']['bg'] = 'transparent' end

    if noformatting then
    	return result
    	return  mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-general-fmt'], linfo4_fmt, lcolspan, '', result['linfo3+2'], q.linfo1_pad, '', result['linfo1'], result['rowProp']['bg'],
    		result['cells'], q.rinfo1_pad, '', result['rinfo1'], rcolspan, '', result['rinfo2+3'], rinfo4_fmt)

q = {collapsibles = -1, text_width = {'', '', '', '', '', ''}, linfo1_pad = '3px', rinfo1_pad = '3px', bg = '#f9f9f9'}
q.isKeyword = function(pattern, i, rows, justTest)
    if string.sub(pattern, 1, 1) ~= '-' then if justTest then return false else return nil end end--not a valid keyword
    local tmp = mw.text.split(string.sub(pattern, 2), '%-')
    if type(q[tmp[1]])=="function" and tmp[1] ~= 'isKeyword' then
        if justTest then return tmp[1] else return q[tmp[1]](tmp, i, rows) end--valid keyword
        if justTest then return false else return nil end
q['startCollapsible'] = function(params, i, rows)
    table.remove(rows, i)
    local tmp = q.isKeyword(rows[i], i, rows, true)
    if tmp then
    	if tmp == 'endCollapsible' then return formaterror('collapsible-block-empty')
        else return formaterror('collapsible-block-no-first-row') ..  q.isKeyword(rows[i], i, rows) --no valid keywords that can follow "startCollapsible"
    if q.collapsibles == -1 then q.collapsibles = 1 else q.collapsibles = q.collapsibles + 1 end--q.collapsibles == -1 means there are no collapsibles at all; 0 - all closed; >0 - some not closed
    local collapsed, replace, props = params[2], params[3] or '', properties(table.concat(params, '-', 4))--params[1] is the keyword name so all indices are shifted by one.
    if collapsed == nil or collapsed == '' then collapsed = 'collapsed' end
    if props['bg'] == nil or props['bg'] == '' then props['bg'] = 'transparent' ; props['bg-replace'] = q.bg else props['bg-replace'] = props['bg'] end
    local mode, float, result
    if q.rinfo1_pad == '' then mode = 'collapsible ' ; float = 'float:right;'
    else mode = 'mw-collapsible mw-' ; float = ''
    result = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html["row-collapsible-begin-fmt"], props['bg'], mode, collapsed, float)
    tmp = row(rows[i], true, nil)
    local linfo4_3_2_fmt, rinfo2_3_4_fmt = '', ''
    if q.rinfo1_pad == '' then
        if tmp['linfo4'] ~= '' or tmp['linfo3+2'] ~= '' then linfo4_3_2_fmt = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-left-linfo4+3+2-fmt'], tmp['linfo4'], tmp['linfo3+2']) end
        result = result .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-general-fmt'], mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-left-button-fmt'], i18n.html['row-collapsible-left-button-width'], q.text_width[1]),
        	'1', q.text_width[2], linfo4_3_2_fmt, q.linfo1_pad, q.text_width[3], tmp['linfo1'], tmp['rowProp']['bg'], tmp['cells'], '', '', '', '1', '', '', mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-rinfo4-fmt'], '', ''))
        if tmp['rinfo4'] ~= '' or tmp['rinfo2+3'] ~= '' then rinfo2_3_4_fmt = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-right-rinfo2+3+4-fmt'], tmp['rinfo2+3'], tmp['rinfo4']) end
        result = result .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-general-fmt'], mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-linfo4-fmt'], q.text_width[1], tmp['linfo4']),
        	'1', q.text_width[2], tmp['linfo3+2'], q.linfo1_pad, q.text_width[3], tmp['linfo1'], tmp['rowProp']['bg'], tmp['cells'], q.rinfo1_pad, q.text_width[4], tmp['rinfo1'],
        	'1', q.text_width[5], rinfo2_3_4_fmt, mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-right-button-fmt'], i18n.html['row-collapsible-right-button-width'], q.text_width[6]))
    if replace ~= '' then
        if q.isKeyword(rows[i + 1], i, rows, true) then return result .. formaterror('collapsible-block-no-replacement') end--a plain row needed for replacement
        table.remove(rows, i)
        tmp = row(rows[i], true, nil)
        local padding, right = i18n.html['row-collapsible-right-button-width'] .. ' 0 0', ''
        if q.rinfo1_pad == '' then padding = '0 0 ' .. i18n.html['row-collapsible-left-button-width'] ; right = 'right:0px;' end
        result = result .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-replace-begin-fmt'], padding, right, props['bg-replace'])
        linfo4_3_2_fmt = '' ; rinfo2_3_4_fmt = ''
        if q.rinfo1_pad == '' then
            if tmp['linfo4'] ~= '' or tmp['linfo3+2'] ~= '' then linfo4_3_2_fmt = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-left-linfo4+3+2-fmt'], tmp['linfo4'], tmp['linfo3+2']) end
            result = result .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-general-fmt'], mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-linfo4-fmt'], '', ''), '1', q.text_width[2], linfo4_3_2_fmt,
            	q.linfo1_pad, q.text_width[3], tmp['linfo1'], tmp['rowProp']['bg'], tmp['cells'], '', '', '', '1', '', '', mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-rinfo4-fmt'], '', ''))
            if tmp['rinfo4'] ~= '' or tmp['rinfo2+3'] ~= '' then rinfo2_3_4_fmt = mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-collapsible-right-rinfo2+3+4-fmt'], tmp['rinfo2+3'], tmp['rinfo4']) end
            result = result .. mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-general-fmt'], mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-linfo4-fmt'], q.text_width[1], tmp['linfo4']), '1', q.text_width[2],
            	tmp['linfo3+2'], q.linfo1_pad, q.text_width[3], tmp['linfo1'], tmp['rowProp']['bg'], tmp['cells'], q.rinfo1_pad, q.text_width[4], tmp['rinfo1'], '1', q.text_width[5],
            	rinfo2_3_4_fmt, mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['row-rinfo4-fmt'], '', ''))
        result = result .. i18n.html['row-collapsible-replace-end-fmt']
    return result
q['endCollapsible'] = function(params, i, rows)
    if q.collapsibles > 0 then
        q.collapsibles = q.collapsibles - 1
        return i18n.html['row-collapsible-end-fmt']
        return formaterror('collapsible-block-not-open')
q['colspan'] = function(params, i, rows)
    if params[2] == 'end' then return '' end
    local tmp, j, nrows, props = {}, 0, tonumber(params[2]), properties(table.concat(params, '-', 3))
    if nrows ~= 0 then table.remove(rows, i) end
    if nrows == nil then nrows = #rows - i + 1 end
    while j < nrows and i <= #rows do
        j = j + 1
        if rows[i] == '-colspan-end'  then
            j = nrows
            table.insert(tmp, rows[i])
        if nrows ~= j or i == #rows then table.remove(rows, i) end
    if j < nrows then j = formaterror('colspan-less-rows-than-set',j) else j = '' end
    return mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['colspan-fmt'], j, props['bg'] or '', props['align'] or '', props['style'] or '', mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(table.concat(tmp, '\n')))
q['filler'] = function(params, i, rows)
	local tmp, height = table.concat(params, '-', 3), '5px'
    if #params < 3 or tmp == '' then return formaterror('parameter-missing') end--TODO: указать имя нужного параметра.
	if params[2] ~= '' then height = params[2] end
    return row(tmp, nil, height)

function p.RGBbyCode(frame)
    return RGBbyCode(mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or ''))

function p.route(frame)
    local rows, tmp = mw.text.trim(frame.args['pattern'] or ''), {}
    if rows == '' then return formaterror('parameter-missing') end
    if mw.text.trim(frame.args['bg'] or '') ~= '' then q.bg = frame.args['bg'] end
    tmp = mw.text.split(mw.text.trim(frame.args['text-width'] or ''), ',')
    if #tmp == 6 then
        for i = 1, 6 do if tmp[i] ~= '' then if tonumber(string.sub(tmp[i],-1)) then q.text_width[i] = 'width:' .. tmp[i] .. 'px;' else q.text_width[i] = 'width:' .. tmp[i] .. ';' end end end
        if tmp[4] == '' and tmp[5] == '' and tmp[6] == '' then q.rinfo1_pad = ''--padding for rinfo1 column = 0, not 3px
            elseif tmp[1] == '' and tmp[2] == '' and tmp[3] == '' then q.linfo1_pad = '' end--padding for linfo1 column = 0, not 3px
    elseif #tmp == 3 then
        for i = 1, 3 do if tmp[i] ~= '' then if tonumber(string.sub(tmp[i],-1)) then q.text_width[i + 3] = 'width:' .. tmp[i] .. 'px;' else q.text_width[i + 3] = 'width:' .. tmp[i] .. ';' end end end
        q.linfo1_pad = ''
    elseif #tmp == 1 and tmp[1]~='' then
        if tonumber(string.sub(tmp[1],-1)) then q.text_width[5] = 'width:' .. tmp[1] .. 'px;' else q.text_width[5] = 'width:' .. tmp[1] .. ';' end
        q.linfo1_pad = ''
    tmp = {}
    rows = mw.text.split(rows, '\n')
    local i, j = next(rows), next(rows, i)--removing empty lines
    while j ~= nil do
        if mw.text.trim(rows[j]) == '' then table.remove(rows, j) else i = j end
        j = next(rows, i)
    for i, v in ipairs(rows) do
        local keyword = q.isKeyword(v, i, rows)
        if type(keyword) ~= "string" then table.insert(tmp, row(v, nil, nil)) else table.insert(tmp, keyword) end
    if q.collapsibles > 0 then table.insert(tmp, formaterror('collapsible-block-not-closed') .. q['endCollapsible']()) end
    if q.collapsibles ~= -1 then if q.rinfo1_pad == '' then q.text_width[1] = q.text_width[1] .. 'min-width:' .. i18n.html['row-collapsible-left-button-width'] .. ';'
                                                       else q.text_width[6] = q.text_width[6] .. 'min-width:' .. i18n.html['row-collapsible-right-button-width'] .. ';' end end
    -- ↓ empty row to set column widths; ↑ if q.collapsibles ≠ -1 and there are collapsible sections, leftmost or rightmost column should be wide enough to accomodate the button
    table.insert(tmp, mw.ustring.format(i18n.html['empty-row-fmt'], q.text_width[1], q.text_width[2], q.linfo1_pad, q.text_width[3], q.rinfo1_pad, q.text_width[4], q.text_width[5], q.text_width[6]))
    return table.concat(tmp)

return p

--[[for testing in console:

