Console Commands
From Metrostroi
Available languages: Русский · English · 한국어 |
Metrostroi has several commands and convars available for use and configuration by clients and server administrators. Console commands and convars are divided into 3 groups:
Name | Default | Description |
metrostroi_current_limit | 4000 | Current limit on substation (amps). It is recommended to set a value of at least 10000 |
metrostroi_maxtrains | 3 | Sets the maximum number of trains that will be allowed to be spawned. |
metrostroi_maxtrains_onplayer | 1 | Sets the maximum number of train wagons that each player will be allowed to spawn. |
metrostroi_maxwagons | 3 | Sets the maximum number of wagons per train. |
metrostroi_train_requirethirdrail | 1 | If this is set to 1, trains will behave as if a 3rd rail is present and powered regardless of whether it actually is. This can also be set through the GUI under Utilities, Metrostroi, Admin. It is the only way to use Metrostroi trains on non-Metrostroi maps. |
metrostroi_passengers_scale | 50 | Amount of passengers on stations as a relative value in arbitrary units. High values can cause performance problems and instability! |
metrostroi_voltage | 750 | Sets the current to be delivered along the 3rd rail (volts) |
To open the console, enable "Enable developer console" in the "Advanced" settings under "Keyboard" and press ~ or shift + esc. Alternatively, everything here except the train rerailer is available in the GUI under Utilities, Metrostroi, Client.
Name | Default | Description |
metrostroi_cabfov | 75 | Sets the field of view (in degrees) that will be applied while sat in a metro cab |
metrostroi_disablecamaccel | 0 | If this value is set to 1, the "camera acceleration" effect which simulates the forces of inertia on acceleration and deceleration by moving the camera around will be disabled. |
metrostroi_disablehovertext | 0 | If this value is set to 1, the tooltips on buttons and switches will be hidden. |
metrostroi_drawdebug | 0 | If this value is set to 1, the "Debug" mode for developers is enabled. If you see green squares on train, then make sure this is set to 0. |
metrostroi_drawcams | 1 | If this value is set to 1, the CCTV cameras in the 81-722 will be enabled. Set this to 0 if you have low FPS. |
metrostroi_language | "" | Sets the localization language of Metrostroi. |
metrostroi_rerail | No value | Puts train back on rails. Pointer must be looking on train. Not recommended to use it on corners and track switches! |
Chat Commands
Name | Description |
!sopen | Opens a signal or assembles a route. Example: !sopen MN4-2. |
!sclose | Closes a signal or disassembles a route. Example: !sclose MN4-2. |
!sopps | Opens an invitation signal. Example: !sopps MND. |
!sclps | Closes an invitation signal. Example: !sclps MND. |
!sactiv | Enable backup signals of automatic blocking system (autoblock). Example: !sactiv * - to enable all signals or !sactiv 511-512 - to enable between stations 511 and 512. |
!sdeactiv | Disables the backup signals of autoblock. |
!station | Teleport to station. Example: !station avto or !station 108 - Teleporting to station "Автозаводская" (Avtozavodskaya). |
!trains | Outputs information about the number of trains and wagons on server. |